Attendance & Absence
What does the law say?
All parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child receives an education. Failure to ensure a child’s regular attendance is a criminal offence. The Department for Education sets clear expectations for what is expected in terms of attendance. 96% and above is considered good attendance, and if a child’s attendance falls below 90%, they are considered to be persistently absent.
What does the school do?
We set a target of 96% attendance for all pupils, which allows for children to have occasional days off if they are too unwell to attend school. An Educational Welfare officer from the London Borough of Havering works with the school to support families to ensure that children attend school every day.
Benefits of regular attendance:
- Your child has access to a full curriculum
- Your child has access to daily high-quality teaching
- Your child builds strong relationships with their peers
- Higher potential for learning gaps to be bridged
- Opportunities for your child to be pushed to exceed expectations
- Helps your child learn the importance of coming to school and learning
Impacts of low attendance:
- Missed learning creates learning gaps that increase when further days are missed
- Children can develop low-self esteem due to learning gaps/lack of strong relationships with peers
- Do not access the complete curriculum
Holidays during term time
Our school governors have agreed a zero-tolerance policy to holidays taken in term time. Any term-time leave must be for an exceptional circumstance. Please see our Attendance Policy for detailed information.
It is important that children are punctual for school, and need to arrive ready for learning before registers close. After this they will be marked as late and need to sign in at the main office. Lateness can prove detrimental to children’s learning and wellbeing; even short delays can swiftly add up to much lost learning time.
In the case of your child being unwell and unable to attend school, please telephone the school office and select the appropriate option; if we do not hear from you, the office will telephone to enquire about your child’s whereabouts. A period of absence of 5 days or more will require medical certification. Any incident of sickness or diarrhoea will necessitate your child remaining off school for 24 hours from the last bout.