RSHE Consultation Feedback

Up to date guidance for schools' delivery of Relationships, Sex and Health Education came into force from 2020. At this time the school conducted a review of our curriculum, in consultation with parents. Our resulting RSHE policy can be found in the 'Policies' section of our website; please see below for answers to questions commonly raised by parents in the consultation process.

Can I withdraw my child from all RSE lessons?

No. The new Relationships Education and Health Education Curriculum is statutory, which means it must be taught to all children. Sex Education allows the right to withdraw, but at Gidea Park this aspect is limited to one lesson in Year 6. Other aspects of teaching on relationships, differences between males and females, puberty, etc. fall under ‘Relationships’ and ‘Health’ and so parents have no right to withdraw. Therefore any parent who exercises this right should know that their child will be taught all other lessons and removed solely from Year 6 Lesson 3. The content of what children are taught each year is detailed in our policy.

If you have any wider queries about the DfE Guidance for primary schools, you should know that this is beyond the school's control and you should take it up with your local MP.

Will parents be informed when lessons are to be taught?

Yes. Although some aspects of RSE / HE are taught throughout the year (online safety in Computing lessons, for example) our targeted RSE sessions will take place in the second half of the Spring term. A letter will go out informing parents of this in advance.

Is it too young to begin teaching children about puberty?

No. Although the average age to begin puberty is 11 for girls and 12 for boys, it is normal for it to begin any time from 8 to 14. Our programme of study introduces puberty in Year 4, when children are 8-9 years old, and we believe it is important they are prepared in advance for what is to come.

Is it possible for parents to see the resources for the lessons?

Yes. You will be informed before we begin teaching specific RSE content, and invited in to view resources should you wish to do so (NB - this may look different in Spring 2021 depending on current restrictions).

How often will students have RSE lessons?

Although some content is taught throughout the year in other subject areas (e.g. online safety in Computing, healthy living in Science), our targeted RSE teaching takes place weekly in the Spring Term over 3-4 weeks.

Is any part of the RSE Curriculum taught by outside providers?

No. Our RSE curriculum is taught by class teachers to the whole class (boys and girls may be separated for some content in Upper Key Stage 2 at the teacher’s discretion).

Is any lesson content provided by external companies?

Yes. Our targeted RSE teaching in the Spring Term is taught through a programme called The Christopher Winter Project, a widely used resource by primary schools nationally.